Call (228) 588-3060


Pineolene Products LLC

(228) 588-3060   P.O. Box 670   Hurley, MS 39555
Email      Copyright 2009

About Us

My name is Vernon Pierce.  I purchased the old Pineolene lab in 1989 and moved it to my home in Hurley, MS.  God has blessed us.  We love our product. If you are involved in any mission's work where there is a need for a simple medicine that can be ministered by almost anyone, please contact Vernon or Dianne Pierce.  We may be able to help in some way.  The product Pineolene is very effective in slowing infections and healing cuts, scratches, burns and insect bites that could cause major problems if left unattended.


Church groups that would like to help out in the mission field can send this excellent gift. We have discounted rates when purchased by a church.  We also package for special shipping needs. This is something that a Sunday school or other church program could do at a small cost.  We have been making a lot of progress in this endeavor.  This product has a very long shelf life, and it doesn't take much to heal a cut, scratch, etc.  We think that it is one of the most inexpensive ways that one could help. (Note: Other than our Prayers)


We are always open for suggestions and idea's on this subject.  Please contact us if you would like to talk to us about Pineolene.



That's What I Like About The South"

As I travel down the old back roads to many of the old towns that once were bustling with the people of another generation, I am saddened by the old buildings that stand empty and think if they could only talk.  The old theaters, the old hardware stores, the old drug stores, as well as the little buildings that you wonder what they must have housed.  They all seem to have their own personalities. It is amazing how much they all look alike though. There seems to be more old towns around than I ever thought, even after so many years.


My wife Dianne and I are having so much fun traveling the old back roads of Mississippi, Alabama, and Louisiana selling this old "Cure All Medicine" PINEOLENE. I almost feel guilty.  We have many of the old letters and orders that were passed on by the previous owners, along with all of the old records. We pull out the old letters when we go into the old towns that we visit. We find many of the people and stores still there after sixty years.


Many of the old timers will recall this old product and tell us about how their mothers and grandmothers used it to rub down their chest for chest colds or put it on a bad cut or scape.  About how they doctored the farm animals, the horses, the dogs, because the uses were numerous.


We concentrate on the old towns because the Pineolene is so easy to sell. The people remember the old cure-all. It is so funny because they all say the same thing, "At's Good Stuff". My grandma used it to make a poultice with a hot cloth and Pineolene and put it on our chest for chest colds and it worked then as it still does. I had an old dog named "Sassyfrass", and a hog cut her wide open down in the Big Swamp.  We put some Pineolene on her and had her back in the woods in less than a week. "AT'S GOOD STUFF ALRIGHT."